
Friday, February 25, 2011


February and March are the hottest months in Petén. This team is working so hard and doing some pretty glamorous stuff too!
Like Jacob and Matt chipping a hole for the tube on the seats for the outhouses (we are building Fabio a new outhouse too).
Jimmy spent most of the morning trying to get lumber since our original supplier was almost a week late getting it to us and still couldn't come up with it. He found some!
Mateo, the pastor in Poptún is a carpenter. He engineered the top 2/3rds of our building since it will be out of boards.
The wood was still wet, so between each board they had to wipe the blade down with diesel. (That is what pastor Tim is doing in the photo above.)
Here is Ian chiseling a notch for a support beam.
The team got 2 complete sides done and will finish the other 2 tomorrow!
Over the last couple days Jimmy has found out about more of the lies that were said about us during the last meeting and their sources. This will help when he speaks in the meeting tomorrow.

During lunch time José went to the store to buy a drink. He overheard a couple men talking about how they should get a bunch of guys together to go tear down our building. He came back and got all the men together to pray right away.
Each evening we take the team to Flores for a nice meal... so we can get more work out of them the next day!
Pastor Tim let Silas try out his hat. The middle part is mesh, so he could see through it = the coolest hat ever!
Jimmy got to spend a lot of time around our Kekchi missionary friends. This is what they do, start churches in campos blancos (white fields/places with no Gospel). Jimmy asked if it is always this hard to get into a village. Domingo said, "No, you just pick the hard ones!"

Domingo and José both told several stories of places where after they had gotten something going, the towns people got upset and tried to kick them out. They spoke of how the new believers would persevere. Each story ended with the same phrase, "There's a church now." Please pray that our new Christians persevere.

Mateo said that there is a saying among the Kekchi, "Raizes amargas, fruto dulce." (He said it in Spanish.) It means "Bitter roots, sweet fruit."

Please pray for our meeting tomorrow at 2:00 (CST). Please pray for wisdom as Jimmy speaks, that the new believers will persevere, and that God's power will be made known.

Thank you to everyone who let us know you are praying. You all have a part in this.

"Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them." ~Elisha


  1. You are all in my thoughts today! I hope everything goes well for you! Just remember, don't get discouraged, G-d is in charge!

  2. Hope all went well today. Julie and i have been waiting for an update. Tell the crew Traci is getting better, her WBC is down and she's eating a litlle. Ask Kim to call me or email me. I need the Franklin Card to book Ryan and Lyndsey's airfare.



  3. Praying for all of you in Topeka! Mary Flin
