
Friday, March 4, 2011

3G and Random Acts of Thoughtfulness

Recently we were given an unexpected gift... Tigo updated their tower in our town (which happens to be on our street) to 3G.
Tigo is our cellphone and internet company. This free upgrade meant 3 very exciting things for our family.

1. A live stream of our home church's services: Live means we get the worship music too. We love it! It makes us feel a part of the service. They have an extra service on Saturday nights, so that works perfect with our schedule.
{We get to listen in our PJ's!}

2. Skyping with the Grandparents from our house:
{Skyping on Christmas morning}
Before we had to drive 40 minutes to be able to do that. This has turned into much more skyping time!
{Stateside View}
The boys recognize their grandparents' voices. When we have our laptops out they run to the screen to see their grandparents. After all that's where everyone's grandparents live... right?!

3. Online Masters Degree: Jimmy has been waiting for this one. With starting the Kekchi pastor's institute he felt like it was an absolute necessity. We thought it wouldn't be possible until we moved to San Pancho, but once he had the capability of downloading all the lectures there was nothing holding him back!

He is currently in Liberty's Masters of Divinity program which is 93 credit hours. By the end of May he will have completed 18. I am so proud of him. He is a much more diligent student now than I remember from college. He always got pretty good grades, but now he is obsessive about it. Once you are in ministry you realize even more how important the prep work is.

The other issue was getting the required books down here. A gringo friend from Guatemala City, whom we have never met in person, offered to bring down some of the books he would be needing right away. It was so nice of him. We know how valuable every pound in your suitcase is! When he returned he shipped them to Petén for us.
When we opened the box of books there was another surprise inside... one for me. A box of Bisquick was laying on top of the books! His wife had heard that I had to throw my Bisquick out because the boxes I purchased in Belize were bad. So thoughtful!!! Acts of kindness like that lift your spirit!

We were invited to a formal event by a friend. Notice anything strange in this photo?! The man thinks Keens are dress shoes. I wouldn't put them a step above flip flops. *Make a note* check all 3 of my boys before leaving the house. First stop on our next furlough... dress shoes for Jimmy.