
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Materials

We leave for a 2 month furlough in less than 48 hours. Can you sense the anxiety? In the last couple days we have been checking things off of our "To-do list". We've done fun things like go to the dentist, lay a leach field at our forever house, take a family photo, clean up baby vomit (not on the list), get Atzi fixed... all the super fun things you put off until you're about to leave your life for an extended period of time.

In the midst of those things I have 2 very good nap takers, so I was able to update our materials in time for our furlough. I reworked our website with a new program that loads much faster than iWeb (Goodbye MobileMe!) and is googleable. Our website is what brought us into contact with Pastor Andy, James Yoder, and Jay the temp intern, all blessings to our ministry, so we think it is pretty important. If you had the other one bookmarked you may need to redo it with just this address:

So all of our materials have our new logo on them now. I even had time to make a favicon! The boards that are the background on everything are the boards from our building in Santa Rita... kind of sentimental.

We ordered new and improved prayer cards... improved because they have adorable twins on them!
The family photo was an ordeal. We had the camera with a timer on our tripod. We had ordered a remote just for occasions like these, but once we were all dressed for the photo we realized the batteries had melted in the remote... it's that hot here. It started pouring down rain as we were walking out the door too, that is why the photo was taken on our patio. We put Jimmy's laptop on a table in front of the camera with family videos playing to get J & S to look in that direction. It helped, but still after 100+ photos I didn't have a single photo with 4 pleasant faces looking at the camera. So...
I stole Jonah's head from the photo above and...
photoshopped it on top of this one for our final photo (the one on the prayer card). Jonah had been a sweetheart the whole time we were snapping photos, so I thought he deserved a happy face.

Anyway, that's what is going on around here. Jimmy is meeting with José and Domingo right now about radio stuff. When the boys wake up we are going to Santa Rita for one last visit. Then it is off to Guatemala City. Thankfully we only have one flight, a straight shot to Miami. It's good to be from FL, it saves you a lot on airfare.


  1. I can't wait to get a copy of the new prayer card!! I love it!! Then it can replace the one I have up of just You and Jimmy! :D

  2. Nice blog! We are missionaries in West Africa. Do you know Danny Flowers?

  3. Hi! Thanks! We know his brother Jon and his wife's family. I will have to check out your blog. Nice to read about another missionary!

  4. Love the boards and the picture looks great!

  5. Praying you all have a restful furlough, one where you can spend time together and refocus. Blessings...
