
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Saying Goodbye

A couple days after we arrived back in Guatemala (so back in June... I'm that far behind) Keturah and Arlen hosted a missionary get together since they would be leaving on a year long furlough soon.
We really enjoy the times we get to visit with other missionaries. I don't think any of us are very good at making time for that.
It was also Ty's, Arlen and Keturah's youngest son's birthday!
Silas had a go at the piñata, he was not bashful about it!
Ty, the birthday boy!
This was the boys' first piñata experience. They did pretty good picking up the candy. They weren't in any rush though. I think this was the longest amount of time any candy has spent on the ground in Guatemala haha!
After lunch this is where I found them. They had gotten into their toys and found a bench to chill on.
I really am going to miss Keturah. She has been here a lot longer than us and always had all kind of insight. We can keep in touch, but now she's a yankee, not a Petenera!

While we were there we found out that all 3 couples have decided to start transitioning out of Petén. There were many reasons involved, but for 2 their major reason was for their children and the other, whose only been here a couple months, is being transferred by the IMB. I respect all of their decisions and know that they all desire to be in God's will, but it still makes me sad. These are all great people and I will miss the fellowship and having people who can relate to the same triumphs and struggles. Who knows what the future holds for them, some might end up back here again in a couple years. As for us there is one other couple that lives close to us for now that we are focusing on trying to get to know better. Maybe you will see them pop up in a blog soon. Our gringo friends are dropping like flies!

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