
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Tutor #4's Wife!

Yesterday we were invited to our Kekchi tutor's (Tutor #4) wife's birthday party. We love Kekchi birthday celebrations. It is really beautiful because they get all of their friends together and thank God publicly for all that God has done in their life. Then we all pray that they will continue to follow God and that He will continue to bless their life. They acknowledge God in everything. He is the center of their lives now that they are Christians just like all of their spiritual beliefs before when they didn't know the Truth.

It is hard to know what to get people for presents in a different culture... even harder when there aren't any nice stores around here to find quality things.

I ended up choosing a burgundy table cloth and I found a glass dish that we put some flowers in. I hope she liked it. They don't usually open presents in front of people.

Tutor #4's wife, made us all a wonderful meal of tamales and tostadas. We sat outside on the porch while the tamales were cooking. As soon as she served the meal it started pouring down rain. I didn't realize this when I lived in an air conditioned house in the States, but there is nothing that clears out a smell and freshens up a house like hard rain with all the windows open. I couldn't smell anything and was able to enjoy the meal! Hopefully I only have one more week of morning sickness.

We had a wonderful time! We met a new Christian Spanish speaking couple. Honestly we are mostly around lost people or new Christians, except for the Kekchi nationals we work with. It was nice to be able to fellowship with Christians that we could communicate easily with. I hope we can get to know this family better. They have a little boy Jonah and Silas' age. I was so proud of my boys. There were a couple of other children there and we had brought some little toys. Jonah and Silas kept handing their toys to the other kids to play with. They had a blast and came home filthy thanks to the rain and mud... but very much worth it!

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: One of Tutor #4's neighbors who works at the school where he teaches, turned him in to the head of the school as a narco. He said that Tutor #4 comes home at 11PM several nights a week, gets dropped off by someone in a dark truck, and then he goes straight into his house. Poor Tutor #4, he is out late for our Kekchi class. For the first month and a half of our classes, his vehicle was in the shop and Jimmy had to give him a ride home in his black pickup! He was able to defend himself and keep his job. It seems like the nicest people have the worst things said about them.


  1. I hope your morning sickness goes away soon.
    That's crazy about Elias being called a narco!

  2. how do you say "Happy Birthday" in Kekchi?
