
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

An Irresistible Invitation

Radio Berea received a call from a new village the other day. By new I mean it is only 3 months old. 140 Kekchi families found some land to rent and started the village of La Bendición. A handful of them are Christians, and since there are no churches or works of any kind in this village yet, they called the Baptist radio station and asked them to send someone to start one! Who would turn that down?! Last week we and Domingo went for the very first outreach.
The village was pretty easy to find, but then we had to find who had invited us. This little girl jumped into the back of Domingo's pickup and led the way.
She ended up staying for the film!
This is the home where we showed the film, "Hope".
Before we did though, another family invited us for lunch.
Silas LOVES corn tortillas dipped in Kekchi caldo. He will eat 3 or 4 of them. The Kekchi people think it's a hoot to see a little gringo scarfing down their food.
He's our little Chapin. Jonah looks at us like we're crazy when we hand him a corn tortilla. He'd rather chase the chickens roaming inside the house than eat.
I have always been a little worried about how Jonah would do in these settings when we go to new places because he is shy.
Our boys get a lot of attention, and Jonah doesn't really like people looking at him.
Silly Mommy, he found a new friend right away.
They played up and down this bench while Daddy was setting up the film.
People from all over the village started showing up!
We ended up having a great turnout!
There were no more seats inside, so people listened from outside.
It was really hot. You can probably see that in my little boys' red faces. Since there weren't any seats left and I was nauseous thanks to our new little Dinsmore, I took the boys down to the quaint pavilion we had parked by.

It had stumps to sit on and was full of dirt to play in!
We had 2 gardening shovels in the car, so that entertained the boys for the next hour!
I felt bad for leaving and then a couple minutes later Jimmy and Domingo showed up to wait in the shade with us too... ha!

Please pray for the village of La Bendición. Please pray as we work with Domingo to try and start a church there. Pray that it will reach out to the other people in this new village who have not yet heard about Jesus Christ.

CRAZY ITEM OF THE DAY: To get to the village we had to cross the ferry in Sayaxché. Sadly I had to witness one of my biggest fears... the ferry had sunk. Thankfully no one was hurt... and we weren't on it! If we are traveling with a team we usually make them get out of the car when we are crossing, just to be safe. If it's just us, we roll the windows down and talk about which boy each is responsible for grabbing. It would be horrible to lose a vehicle this way.
Our friends the Whites are currently living in Sayaxché, you should check out their post here for much better photos and the whole story. Thankfully they had brought in a smaller ferry from somewhere else for everyone to use while they were working on getting the big ferry and a tanker truck out of the river.

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