
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prophecy & Revelation

Those are the 2 subjects that the Kekchi pastors have been asking for a while now to be included in one of our KBI (Kekchi Bible Institute) training modules.

Last week Louis Powell, who had been here before with the radio team last March, returned with his pastor, Allen Tilley, to teach our October module.
Louis taught on prophecy and
Pastor Allen taught through the Book of Revelation.

Over 40 pastors were in attendance. Unfortunately we found out that when it was announced over the radio they said that only pastors could come when we were making it available to the men who are in charge of new missions too. We have a solution to this problem thanks to Louis that we will post about soon. It is very exciting!

The pastors who were in attendance went on and on about how helpful this module was. They all received a bound copy of the notes to take home with them for further study. Jimmy had about 4 days to translate all of that material before the module and those were the days we were traveling to Sololá. He even got Jay (whose interning in FL now) and I to help some. Just the Revelation notes were 54 single spaced pages worth of translation; I'm not sure how he got it done.
We are so thankful that Louis and Pastor Allen were willing to come down here and offer such quality teaching to these pastors, especially on topics they have been specifically requesting. Their trip was short, but we enjoyed the time we had with them.


  1. Funny Adina! I almost cropped myself out of the photo because I thought it was so unflattering. I haven't gained hardly any weight, but I feel very out of shape. My doctor said I need to exercise 15 minutes a day. I thought of you jogging everyday of your pregnancy. I can't imagine!
