
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Handmade Home #8: A Temporary Nursery for Eden

Before I started posting baby stuff I wanted to share the sewing corner in our office that Jimmy set up for me almost 2 years ago. It is so efficient, I can get a lot accomplished during naptimes and after the boys go to sleep since I can leave my projects strewn about and my materials are so easy to get to. But because we left for the capital a little frazzled, I didn't get any photos of my space, so I will have to share it once we get back. Jimmy was sweet and let me bring my sewing machine with me here even though we were pressed for room in our vehicle. He knows I am a nesting fool right now! I miss my organized work space though.

Here is a current pic of Eden's room:

Well that won't do for a newborn, so she gets a corner of our room in our rental house for now.

I really ended up enjoying putting together this little space for her even though it wasn't what I originally planned on. (We are shooting for moving into our Forever House around the end of May or June now... yeah right!) I think we all enjoyed putting together a space for her...
{Jonah went and got his hammer to help!}
{Silas thinks swords are machetes. Of course you need a machete for any project in this country!}

The boys very kindly let us use one of their cribs Daddy built for them, for their sister.
I did decide to make her some new sheets though. I wanted plum! I used this tutorial and they fit great.

There is a little dolly in there that is waiting for a name...
I used this tutorial and this inspiration along with some leftover fabrics from other projects. Maybe one day Eden will have a yellow gingham dress to match! We will definitely have to add to this dolly's wardrobe over time.

Jimmy brought me some twigs from the KBI land to use for star bunting. We probably won't have the string lights on all the time, but they do make fore a beautiful ambiance!
{We really have to move soon, there is an outlet right above her crib!}

Remember this pile of wood?
Jimmy bought a piece of firewood for about 4o cents and made Eden a hair bow holder!

He used a wire brush to clean up the bark a little and then stained it.
We wrapped some rope around it and hung it on the wall!

The metal bucket was what my Grandma sent me flowers in my first day of college. It now holds all of Eden's headbands.

Jimmy had 2 stands welded and put a branch on them for Eden's closet. (Inspiration found here.)
I really like it. It's a lot cuter than our closet area in the storage room! The three frames on top were ones we found in antique/thrift stores on our last furlough. I just love oval frames for some reason. The 2 outer ones are waiting for family photos with Eden and the center one holds a handkerchief that my grandma (where Eden will get her middle name) gave me that her mom tatted the edges of... it is just lovely and something I cherish.

So that is what we left in Petén, at least sort of put together and waiting for her. Jimmy still thinks he can get one of the recliners in there from the boys' nursery... that would be nice for middle of the night feedings... we will see. I should've taken a photo of the entire room, it is tight! We have jammed our toes more than a few times trying to get around in there. It's definitely cozy!

My next Been Greens will be clothes for Eden and all the other homemade nursery paraphernalia that wouldn't fit into this space. I was really worried about having a girl, but a couple months of nesting and anticipation has really sold me on it. It is so much fun making stuff for a little girl!

CUTE ITEM OF THE DAY: The boys have a book with baby animals in it that you have to put into their "beds", like a chick in a nest. The last page is a baby that you are supposed to put in its crib. This is where I keep finding that baby:

in Eden's crib since that is where I told them their baby sister will sleep!

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