
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Eden Yet, But Kiki Is Here!

Grandma Kiki has been here a week today. I have been trying to update the blog, but my laptop internet has not been working. We were worried that Eden would come before Grandma got here, but once Kiki showed up, Eden decided to calm down. Before I could do nothing and have as many contractions as when the boys came. Now I can go up 3 flights of stairs and not feel a thing.

I had been asking the boys who was going to come see them and they would yell, "Kiki!" Finally after their nap on Tuesday, when they came out of their rooms, there she was!
It really blew their minds when we skyped with Papa on Wednesday and Kiki was with them instead of on the computer screen. The boys decided to start praying for Papa ever night on their own since he is without his Kiki... super cute!
Ever since football season the boys have been into wrestling. Jonah is constantly asking Silas to tackle him. He plays really rough and never cries. I'm glad he is tough, but he can scare me sometimes.
Kiki jumped right in!
I think it is time for this Grandma to get a granddaughter!
Jonah and Silas are loving their time with their Kiki!
One of their favorite things right now is for us to video them and then let them watch it over and over and OVER again!
They think they are hilarious!
They love singing with Kiki too.
{Silas singing the "Wise Man" song}

{Jonah singing "Jesus Loves Me"}

I did get a little one-on-one time with my mom. We went to a crochet class together. I have been trying to teach myself through tutorials online, but I'm having a hard time. Now I can crochet in Spanish haha! I have no earthly idea what the stitches we learned are called in English, but we ended up with pretty flowers for Eden!
And I went home and made more... I can't stop! Eden needs one in every color! They are really neat because you can button on a different flower for whatever color you want and then use them on larger hats as she grows too.
Kiki has plans to stay a month, so that's good since Eden is taking her dear sweet time. I am glad the boys will have Kiki while we are at the hospital. I don't think they will even notice their mommy is gone for a couple days. This morning Silas wandered sleepily into our room and said, "Kiki?" Well Good mornging to you too!

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is amazing!... getting down on the floor like that with the boys. I don't choose to do that with my own children (vs grandkids.)...mind you my boys are way bigger and would hurt me. :) You look wonderful. Hoping for a wonderful, healthy birth for little Eden.
