
Monday, May 28, 2012

These Last 6 Days

Saturday morning Jimmy called me and I could tell from his voice something had happened but he wouldn't tell me over the phone. My parents had called him and told him that my Dad's mom went home to be with Jesus earlier that morning.

Jimmy insisted that I fly to Florida to be with my parents. I am an only child. I was very close to that extra special lady God had made and I did very much want to be with my Dad. I also just had a baby girl who hadn't gotten to meet her Papa yet, so I could bring a little joy with me.

I am so thankful that Jimmy encouraged me and E to go. These last 6 days have been so special to me, I will remember them vividly forever. I have so many good memories with Grandmommy C and I loved hearing everyone share theirs. I hope one day my kids will love me as much as her 4 kids love her. 
Jimmy and the boys survived 6 days without me. I think you could put a "barely" in there, but Jimmy didn't complain. We all skyped every night.

Eden was perfect on all 4 plane rides.  
All buckled in on her first plane ride
Eden loved meeting her Papa!
The first time Papa held E
I think she remembered her Kiki!
Among several other family members Eden got to meet my Mom's mom, where she gets her middle name. 
Eden at her Great Grandmommy's house
A very special thanks to Becca for dropping everything and picking me up in Miami on Monday at the last minute. You are a true friend and have proven that many times over! Thank you as well to my parents for driving me back. That is a long trip! Thank you to Jimmy's parents who helped us get the return flights just moments after we found out. We wouldn't have been able to swing a trip like this at the end of a month without you. 
Eden Chillin with Becca!

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