
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

In Due Season

We still aren't allowed into SR to visit, but Marcos does it for us. He was the one Christian in there when we arrived and he had been praying for a church. He goes around to all the Kekchi families visiting them and inviting them to our church in San Pancho. He has made the town leaders so upset that they keep spreading lies about him. They even have called the police a couple times saying he is chopping down trees and illegally hunting. He has had to appear before a judge several times. He just tells the truth and they let him go. Please pray for him and the other Christians that are being persecuted in there. There is an entire community of believers now! 
Poor guys, I made them look into the sun for this photo!
Just within the last 2 weeks a man that Jimmy had been witnessing to for years came to know the Lord as a result of Marcos' burden for him. Francisco came to our adult Bible studies in SR and even would sit outside the kids' time listening to the stories. We loved his kids. I am SO thankful their dad now has a relationship with God! Heaven is Rejoicing!

1 comment:

  1. When God has a mission, He doesn't allow men to get in the way!!!
