
Friday, June 22, 2012

New Student Housing

The team in early June came down primarily to help build some of the student houses for the Institute. Here is what they started with:
They all worked really hard all week long. We got our boards from trees on the property, and the team cut them to size and nailed them up. 

After the walls, they hauled gravel and leveled out the floors, mixed concrete and poured the floor, and built and hung the doors. 
It is hard work to mix concrete floors by hand...especially in this heat! 
I still haven't met anybody from KS proficient in building a thatched roof, so we let the experts here handle that part. 
With the ministry days during their week, they only had 4 full work days and managed to finish 2.5 houses. I think that even beats the home makeover people! We are so thankful for this church's heart and passion to help the Bible Institute.
We are praying that we will be able to start holding classes next June with 20 students. That will make it more manageable as we are starting out and then we will eventually grow to 50. As you can see below, the roof needs to be changed on the first house (the guys here assumed I wanted sheet metal instead of thatch). One exciting development is that we have commitments from the churches here in Petén to finish the rest of our roofs once we have the bases ready. They will come one day each with 30-40 men and 2500 palm leaves and can finish at least 2 houses in a day. 

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