
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Birth of a Church

Jimmy is in Se Tul today checking on Domingo's tilapia pond. (Have I even posted about that project for the institute yet?) Anyway I was messing around with logo ideas today while my children napped, so this probably isn't the final product because Jimmy hasn't seen it yet.

We have been praying for direction for the church plant in San Pancho. We believe that God would have us start a Spanish work there for now and then have a Kekchi ministry out of that church in the future. We have 2 Kekchi families from SR that are sticking with the church plant. The dads and children speak pretty good Spanish. We have 1 Spanish family plus a teen who comes by herself from San Pancho plus several Spanish speaking families from SR who used to attend our Spanish Bible studies who want to start coming. So that is what we are starting with... pretty much from scratch.
{Eden pulled her bow down and was chewing on it!}
These are the people who were there this past Sunday morning... I'm telling you it wasn't a lot. 2 of the men in the photo above actually said they had not put their faith in Christ yet. So we have a little bit of everything, strong in their faith Christians, brand new Christians, non Christians, and people I'm keeping my eyes on because I don't know what they are (haha). We have representatives from every group that a church should be ministering to. It's a perfect blend.

Jimmy and I are so excited. The group there Sunday was excited too. We are building the church together from the ground up! This thursday we are all meeting there at 7am to fix up the church. We are sprucing the place up a little bit by painting, deep cleaning, hanging more lights, and making it more functional and inviting. 

Thank you everyone who has been praying and please don't stop! We have more help coming in a couple weeks. I will post about him soon!

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