
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Planting Trees

A youth team from Crossroads Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, FL got here Thursday afternoon. This is their second time coming down and they are our second team to fly into Belize City and then drive across the border. Sometimes that is a cheaper option. 
{Dinner at Capitan Tortuga}
Their first day here was a work day at the pastor's institute. They brought down money to purchase 457 lime and orange trees. They were able to get about 140 of them in the ground. 
 The heat will zap your energy quick. The field had been cleared of grass, but there were some large limbs that still needed to be cleared. 
 There was a lot of dirt to be hauled. Even Luis helped!
They had to measure, mark, and then dig the holes. They needed to be far enough apart to have chicken tractors fit down the rows. 
Some trees had to be dug up and replanted, but they eventually got a rhythm.
{Their first row of trees}
 And then it started pouring rain... a lot of rain!!! They might spend another day at the institute before they leave, we will see. They really wanted to finish. We appreciate all of their hard work! The purpose of these trees is to help the institute eventually become self-sustaining. Jimmy explained the trees here. These will be one of many agricultural projects at the institute. 


  1. :)
    Hope to see pictures posted of the finished work!!! God Bless
    What a Blessing.

    1. They are doing good so far. All the ants that attacked them are dead! I will have to post pics soon!
