
Monday, August 27, 2012

Together Again!

Two Sundays ago I looked out over the people in our evening service and I saw our story. All of our last 5+ years in Petén were represented in that building. 

When we started the church plant in San Pancho we intended it for just the people of San Pancho. First last April the people in SR (the 2nd ex-guerrilla community where we were kicked out of) started coming headed up by Marcos. Then people in NH heard about it and Lico organized them together and last week they started coming as well (that's the 1st ex-guerrilla community we were kicked out of). 
I wish I would have taken another pic after everyone who was outside talking came inside, but you can get a pretty good idea. This was two Sundays ago. I really couldn't believe it, that's why I didn't post it. But, they came back this past Sunday too. 

27 people loaded up a pickup from NH and came. It was people we hadn't seen in years. God is still at work in their lives! I took a couple photos afterwards. 
Alquilino and his family came (Alquilino was outside talking with Jimmy). 
Here is Elda and Lico's new baby girl!
Rosa Olivia was there. At the time we left I was praying with her that God would give her a child. She and her husband had been trying to have a child for years. Well I found out that He did give her a daughter since then, but she passed away at 8 months of age. I was crying when I heard. Elda kept telling Rosa, "Shelley prayed for years for her children and now she has 3, don't give up hope."This just makes me sick. I wish someone would have called us when her baby got sick and we could have kept it out of the government hospitals. I cannot imagine her pain. My children are such a gift. 
Mercedes was there too! She is from SR but lives somewhere else now, so she is going to start trying to go there on Sunday nights to catch the micro. This was her first time meeting Eden! Unfortunately Eden didn't meet Mercedes! Sundays exhaust my children. 
Believe it or not, Quincho was even there. He is living in the capital now and was just back for a short time. Please pray for him. I want him to keep growing and he doesn't live close where we can encourage him. 
Hector, his brother is a Christian now too if you remember. He is really trying to grow in His walk with God. He came both weeks so far. Seriously... Eden is so charming in all of these photos! My riveting kids' time must have knocked her out.

What an awesome blessing for God to give us the privilege to work with all of these people again! Please pray for all of us and we seek to know God more everyday and strive to become more like Him. Also, please pray for those who are still making decisions about becoming Christ followers. And Rejoice! No one can write a story like this but God!


  1. They might have kicked you out of the villages, but they cannot kick out the message you shared there.

    1. So true. You know you have a lot of wisdom regarding spiritual things for someone who claims not to be a Christian;)

  2. Praise the Lord for his glorious gospel!

    1. =) So much has happened in this little mission since you guys have been here. Thanks for keeping up with our work here!
