
Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Church Home

The other night on the way to church we passed a crowd standing on the side of the highway in the rain. I commented to Jimmy how I felt bad for those people in the rain. Jimmy said, "You know, I think those are the people from NH that are coming to church." 
{The NH crowd}
Sure enough, I didn't even notice at the time that we were passing NH. They were waiting on the side of the highway in the rain for their ride to church. For years every time I have passed that community going into town I feel sad. Now I don't have to anymore!

I just love my church! For the first time since coming to Petén I feel like I have a church home. I love the people there and the relationships we all have with each other. I love worshiping and growing with them. I am just so thankful for this place.  
{Sunday evening service}
This was our service this past Sunday night. It was our largest crowd yet! Right now we have services on Sunday morning and Sunday night. Hopefully as soon as we move to San Pancho we can start having more outreaches and special activities. 

On Sunday morning Jimmy has been preaching through Joshua and on Sunday nights he has been studying doctrine.
{Sunday morning service}
Jimmy likes to invite Kekchi pastors every now and then to come and speak since we have several families where the wives mostly just speak Kekchi. Domingo preached this past Sunday morning.

Jimmy leads the worship time and I play the guitar. We have spent a lot of time trying to get better at this... it was mainly our comfort level. There is a big difference between singing a song and leading a group in worship. Everyone has certain gifts and then sometimes you have to fake the rest! 

What I really enjoy doing is teaching. On Sunday mornings the kids and I have Sunday school on the patio. 
{Hugo, Mariela, & Maybelin finishing up their paintings of Joseph}
We started in Genesis and are currently learning about Joseph. 
My boys are so cute. They get there early with us and help set up everything. I think it is a wonderful thing for them to learn. 
Sunday evenings we have a kids time in one of the small bedrooms in the house. The sound carries so much inside the building that we can't talk much, so I try to have a quiet activity that still communicates a message. 
 On Sunday evenings we have been studying prayer. 
{Nelson & Rubin's artwork}
 Here is the week we learned how God knows everything about us. We stamped our fingerprints and then wrote Psalm 139 around the outline of our hands. 
{Sophia's artwork}
Please pray for San Pancho Baptist Church as we continue to grow!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to finally feel like you have a church home. I have felt like that for the first time here recently as well.

    I've had you on my mind all day, praying for you, friend!
