
Monday, October 8, 2012

BIG Choo Choo!!!!

Trains were a big part of my childhood. My dad had a model train set that filled our entire garage. It went up this cool mountain helix and then around the ceiling. I remember train watching with him too. He knew all the good spots to catch trains. I wasn't a train buff, but I loved spending time with my dad. 

There aren't any trains in Guatemala, so Jonah and Silas hadn't ever seen a real one. Papa had the idea to take the boys to Fulkston, GA to see their first "BIG Choo Choo!" (You have to shout the "BIG" part to say it like the boys!
{It says it on the sign, "Train Watching at its Best"!}

There is no way you can travel to Georgia without getting peaches and boiled peanuts, so that is what we had for lunch... and it was good!
{Boiled peanuts!}
{Enjoying the peaches!}
Even Eden loved the peaches! 
She worked on one for a long time!
Next to the railroad track there was a large covered platform just for train watchers! It was full of people who had come long distances to see the trains pass by. We had timed it perfectly because we didn't have to wait long for the first one. 

 Jonah and Silas were very excited. They would giggle and then point down the track with anticipation and yell, "BIG Choo Choo!!!"
Three trains passed while we were there. 
They were VERY loud that close, which made it even more thrilling! Everyone kept telling us to cover E's ears... I think it's silly, no one ever covered mine and they're fine!

 For the rest of our trip the boys were talking about this day and how they wanted to see more BIG Choo Choos! 
 This day was a very special one for all of us!

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