
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fish, Trees, & a Winch

Jimmy made another trip to Domingo's house to check on his tilapia pond, a trial project for the institute.
The fish weigh a quarter of a pound. 
{Wendel, Domingo's son in charge of the pond}
In 2 months they have doubled in size! At our current growth rate, in 2 more months they should be ready to be sold. There haven't been any major problems yet, so that is a big praise!
Domingo is a great example of what we want for all the pastors. He has been in full-time ministry, paid for all of his kids so far to get a good career education, and has saved money to finally build a house. Before he was living in a rough wood house with dirt floors. His family has been raising turkeys and ducks for a supplementary income in order to one day build this house. We are so happy for him! He is the president of the institute, so it is nice that he understands this half of our goal. We don't know anyone else like him!
The lime and orange trees the Daytona team planted at the institute are still taking root. There has been one leaf cutter ant attack, but it was caught in time!
 Jimmy doesn't let any workers chop/clear the area because he doesn't want to lose any trees. He carefully uses a weed eater to clear out all of the Savannah grass. It takes about several hours each time, but we haven't lost any trees!

I'm so happy for my husband, he finally got to use his winch in Guatemala! Up to this point he had only used it to straighten a neighbors tilting tree. He was right, it is a very valuable tool to have here!

On the way to Domingo's house (4 hours from our house) Jimmy got stopped behind a coaster that was stuck in the mud on a rock. Other trucks who had been waiting behind the coaster a while were turning around thinking he would be there all day. To back up and go a different road would have cost an hour and a half. 
Jimmy pulled right up and offered to use his wench. The driver didn't know what it was, but was willing to try it. 
It worked! Everyone in the coaster was happy and I know my husband was very happy with himself, haha!

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