
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas!

We have a Christmas drama planned again for this year. We really missed being a part of a church plant last Christmas, so I was really looking forward to this holiday season. Church projects like this aren't just an outreach into the community, but they build camaraderie amongst our church family. I enjoy working with everyone during the weeks leading up to the event.
{One of the angels and one of the shepherds}
The week I brought the script to church, I had to kind of make up more roles because there were so many that wanted to be involved. Many of those people were a part of the dramas we did in NH and SR and that's why they knew for sure they wanted to participate again... I love that! 
{King Herod}
This year instead of fabric costumes we are making cardboard cutouts. Everyone has gotten a kick out of them so far. I know we will have lots of photo ops with these after the service, so that will be fun!
{Baby Jesus}
Jonah and Silas will be sheep. They have been practicing their lines ("Bah Bah")! They're excited about it too! 

Please pray as we continue to prepare for our outreach, pray that God will use it! Thanks!

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