
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Growing Our Team!

I guess it is more like "starting" our team. Juan shared with us a while back that he believed that God had called him to work in Petén. We were very excited to hear this. One because we believe a calling is necessary. The other is that we really liked Juan's heart for ministry! We spent a lot of time with him and his brother when I was in language school in Xela back in 2006. He was in seminary then. 

He arrived in Petén Saturday! Moving here is a big step of faith for him. He does not have the resources  and support behind him like we do. His testimony is a big encouragement to Jimmy and I. 
{Lico, Rosalino, Noé, & Juan}
Jimmy and some of the men from our church had a welcome lunch with him on Saturday. Jimmy presented him to the church Sunday! He has already started making friends and building relationships. He will be preaching this Thursday night. 
Please pray for Juan as he adjusts to his new home. Yes it is in the same country, but Petén is very different from his hometown. Please pray for him especially over the next month that God will send him encouragement as he gets settled. He is looking around for a place to rent, but like we found out, there are not many options. He might just buy a small piece of land and build himself a house over time. He definitely has a pioneering spirit, which is kind of a necessity here. He said he knows how to cook... tortillar and everything! He will be supplementing his missions support with part time jobs. He is a motorcycle mechanic and a computer technician, so it shouldn't be too difficult for him to find work when he needs it. 

Please also pray as we all begin to work together, that God will bless and lead our partnership! It will be great to have help with our church plant and he is passionate about the Kekchi seminary too. 

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