
Friday, January 11, 2013


There are several people in our church that attend faithfully, but haven't put their faith in Christ yet. A Sunday night a couple weeks ago Noé, a young guy from San Pancho who attends our church, came up to Jimmy after the service and said that he wanted to accept Christ. Jimmy said, "Right now?!" He said, "Not now..." Jimmy then asked if he wanted him to come over to his house the next day to talk more. Noé said, "No..." (I think he was kind of nervous.) Jimmy said, "Well what about Thursday?" (That is our mid-week service.) He said yes and that he would come early. Well, that next Thursday Noé was there before anyone else and he put his faith in Christ that night! I think he is about 19, I keep forgetting to ask.
He is the only person in his family that comes, but he brings his girlfriend, Gloria. She wouldn't come if it weren't for him. He has been encouraging her to accept Christ, because he really cares about her. Please pray for Gloria that she will come to know the Lord very soon. 
{Noé & Gloria}
 Noé is real talkative one on one, but he does not like being in front of the church. Jimmy has asked him to share is testimony with everyone several times, but he's too shy. This past Thursday night he did do the offering... that was a big step! Please pray for Noé as he grows in the Lord. We hope to have another baptismal service very soon!

1 comment:

  1. That is so amazing. Praise the Lord. I will keep these 2 beautiful people in prayer as well as their families.
