
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Making Their Faith Known

The Sunday before we left for furlough our church in San Pancho had a baptismal service down at Lake Itzá. It was a beautiful day! 

Of course the first part was messy. Most of our activities start off that way! Jimmy had rented a large school bus to take all of us from our church building in San Pancho to the lake in San Benito. That same company sends a micro to NH and SR to pick them up on Sundays and bring them to San Pancho. Well without us knowing, the owner was offered a higher price for his bus that morning to go a shorter distance (less gas for him) so he gave it to that person. He thought he could just have the 2 micros he normally sends come by San Pancho too and pick those people up and take them to San Benito... without telling us anything. 2 micros is not the same amount of room as a school bus. All of our people didn't fit. Besides there not being enough room and no communication, the micros were an hour apart leaving, so half of our people got to the lake and waited for a long time wondering if anyone else was coming. 
So instead of a nice drive to San Benito with all of our people singing and fellowshipping together on the bus, it was a chaos! If there wasn't any chaos it wouldn't feel normal. 
Once we were all reunited we had a lovely service on the riverbank! Domingo came too. (white shirt in center)
Then we headed to the water. 
{All of our people watching}
Juan baptized Noé and Jimmy baptized Hugo. There isn't anything better than to see someone come to your church, befriend them, watch the Holy Spirit work in their life and draw them, and then rejoice with them when they finally become your brother or sister in Christ! 
No one from either of their immediate families was there. 
There were several others who were wanting to get baptized that day, but they ended up not coming due to pressures from their families. When you are the first Christian in your family it can be very difficult, especially at the beginning. Please pray for them! I have no way to relate to that at all, I am just thankful for their faith and pray that God will strengthen them and encourage them as they grow in their new life with Him. 

 Poor Eden was running a fever that morning. She felt like her face!
Wendi & Mariela were sweet to take care of her while I played for the worship time. 

Afterwards we had pizza for lunch!
 Please keep praying for our church. There are many more who still haven't put their faith in Christ yet and lots of baby Christians eager to grow!
 It's a special place! I miss them while we are here. Juan is leading all of the services while we are gone. Please pray for him too! 

Our grocery store is in Santa Elena right on this same lake. This is the view from the steps leading to the store. Who gets a view like this when they run to the store?!

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