
Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Daytona Team is Here!

The day after my kids got all of those bug bites, Eden started wheezing (on the day the team got here and the day the power was off until 1PM, haha!). She sounded awful! 
Jimmy took her to the doctor in the middle of all of the other stuff he was trying to get done before the team got here. We found out that Eden was having an allergic reaction to all of the bites. I didn't know that could happen, so next time I will look out for it. After some meds she is much better now!

Jonah has started a high fever. I can't tell if it is a virus or Dengue. No one else has it. He is uncomfortable though, poor little man. Just in case it is Dengue, I am only giving him Tylenol. 

Wednesday Jimmy took me to Las Raices for lunch in Santa Elena. It is right on the water and now that Las Puertas has closed it has become our celebration restaurant. 
They have the most delicious chicken kabobs! The boys like it too because it is the restaurant where we feed the fish our leftover tortillas. The waitress usually brings us old ones too for the boys to toss into the lake. 
We had a wonderful relaxing day together!
Both Jimmy and I have been talking about a tree that we saw that we really like and how we wanted to find one to plant in our yard. We had never seen the tree together though, so we weren't really sure if we were talking about the same one. Well we stopped at a nursery and I happened to see a sapling of the tree I liked. It turns out that it is the same tree Jimmy had been looking for... we are soul mate for sure!
{Love the big leaves!}
It is kind of a tradition to plant something in our yard on our anniversary. So it was perfect timing!

A construction team from Daytona arrived Thursday evening. Here they are taking a lunch break at our home: 
They are working hard and fast! I will post more pictures tomorrow of all they are accomplishing. We are very thankful for their willingness to help with the student housing. They are meeting a specific need in our ministry. 

Living a 5 minute drive from the institute now and a 20 minute drive from their hotel is so nice! It is all that we wanted it to be. The team can eat lunch at our house and Jimmy/our family gets back home at night at a decent time so that we are not all exhausted once the team leaves and we get to see each other while they are here too. Love it! It completely changes things for us and I am grateful!

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