
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Friends!

We met Nick several months ago, back before furlough. He was living in Chisec at the time, which is in the department below Petén. He met Norma there. They were married in June and decided to start their lives together here in San Pancho. Nick celebrated his one year anniversary in Guatemala 2 weeks ago. It is good to have more mature Christians in our church. Norma is Kekchi, but it is more of a "city Kekchi" culture that she is from, which we really don't know much about. Nick has been picking up Spanish on his own since he moved to Guatemala, but hasn't ever been to a language school or anything. Right now he preaches one Thursday a month at our church. He graduated from John Piper's school before coming to Guatemala. His passion is street preaching. Norma will be working as the secretary for the institute which is great since she speaks Kekchi and Spanish fluently.  
{Eden loves Norma!}
Nick and Norma rent the other side of the building where Juan lives, so they are duplex buddies! I am enjoying getting to know Norma! It is really nice having a Christian Guatemalan friend here. Nick and Norma haven't made a specific time commitment for how long they plan on being in Petén, but they are committed to following God's will for their lives. They are still getting settled obviously. Surviving here can sometimes be a full time job, haha! They have both been through a lot of life changes lately (like marriage, moving, a new ministry) and all the while navigating a new culture and fixing up a Guatemalan rental (which is it's own animal BELIEVE me!) 

So that's who those people are that show up in our pictures from time to time. Who knows where this will go. Maybe they will be here till they are old and gray. Please pray for Nick and Norma as they serve the Lord in Petén! 
Jimmy did already get them to put a chicken tractor in their front yard. The man likes chicken tractors!

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