
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Some Medical Issues

So much for trying to be healthy, haha! Since being back from furlough Jimmy has lost 23+ pounds just from staying off pop and eating real food and less of it. Evidently due to a genetic predisposition, an extreme change in diet can cause problems with your gallbladder. 

He has been having pains and a fever off and on for about 2 weeks. Sharp pains actually started during the KBI board meeting last Wednesday. He has lost his appetite completely. I was really worried about him, especially after the fever started, so I asked him to go get a blood test. We ruled out some things, but then I asked him to go get an ultrasound just to be on the safe side. We found out yesterday that Jimmy's gallbladder is severely enlarged and that there are two stones, one 1.5cm and the other 3cm. After a call to two medical doctor friends we realized that this was pretty serious. 

I really feel God's loving arms around us because Sunday night after church we got to spend some time with our missionary friends Jim and Bonnie. Due to us being on furlough and then them being on furlough we hadn't seen them in several months. She shared with us that she just had a laparoscopy in Guatemala City to have her gallbladder removed... due to a stone. She had a very positive experience and was thankful for such a great doctor. Can you believe that! So less than 24 hours before we find out that Jimmy needs surgery right away God lets us know of the name of a wonderful doctor. It calms my heart! 

Jimmy spoke with this doctor in Gaute and after viewing Jimmy's sonogram and notes he said that Jimmy should come immediately. If either stone moves he is at risk of them blocking a duct and his gallbladder rupturing. The surgery costs about $6,000. No we do not have insurance. There was a rider anyway in our last insurance policy that wouldn't have covered any gastro work due to Jimmy's history with amoebas and parasites.  We have a tiny bit in our emergency medical fund and we are trying to get a loan from a couple different people for the rest. It takes a long time to work all that out, have money transferred, and then actually available to us here to have it ready for surgery. You pay in full here at hospitals, no payment plans. So there is no way Jimmy would be able to pay for the surgery before Monday. I am praying that God keeps those stones still until then!

So for now his surgery is scheduled for Monday. We will drive the 7 hours to Guatemala City this Sunday. Juan is covering the service for us. His surgery will be in the same hospital that Eden was born in... I'm telling you God loves us!

Another little hug from God is that Jimmy's dad already had vacation days scheduled for this upcoming week. But, instead of going on a vacation to CO, they are both (MaG and G) flying to Guatemala City to stay with the kiddos in the hotel, so that I can go to the hospital with Jimmy. EVERY LAST DETAIL.

So, please keep Jimmy in your prayers. We believe this is just the devil attacking because everything with the institute is coming together. Thank you to all of you who do pray for us on a regular basis. I am very thankful! And thank you to Victory Baptist Chapel in Conestee, SC who immediately sent $500 to help with the surgery. We are very grateful! 


  1. How amazing to see how God is already working in your circumstances.

    I had gallstones and had to have that same surgery, so I can relate to the pain he is in. I will be praying for him and your family!

    1. Thank you! Did you have to change your diet after your surgery?

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the gallstones, but really glad everything is falling into place. I know how hard it is to deal with hospital bills up front here, we're still paying off the last debt racked up by Dorian's stay. I hope it all goes smoothly and Jimmy is back on his feet quickly!

    1. Thank you! If anyone knows it is you for sure!

  3. Gracious God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ we thank You that You know all the details of our lives and You are a Loving Father full of grace and mercy and we stand on the promise of our Lord Jesus that we can call on Him and He will answer us and provide all we need. Please be with Jim and guide the surgeon during the operation and for Jim's recovery. Please Show Yourself strong to Jim and Shelly and their family . We thank You for what You will do thru Christ and we give Him all the glory!

  4. Now it's Tuesday. I hope things are progressing as you hoped and you already have the money needed. Wishing Jimmy a fast recovery.
