
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Handmade Home #12: The Ugly Door Everyone Uses

I knew that our family would use our side door right off the car port rather than our front door. (One day our carport will have a metal roof on top of it.) What I didn't realize was that everyone else would be using the side door too. This is what it has been looking like:
An ugly muddy mess. In the photo above Silas is telling me, "That's not mud, Mama, that's chicken poop!" It probably is. The boys had been over watching Jimmy put chicken poop on the bottom of the fish pond. Everything gets tracked into my house!

The first day that all of our company was gone we decided to clean up our yard. It had been a little neglected since our furlough. Jimmy planted all 5 of his garden beds. I am very excited about that. And I decided to fix up the ugly side door. Remember our style is rustic... we live in Petén. Any other style besides rustic just gets destroyed.

Jonah and Silas wanted to help so they cleaned the door. 
Eden's job was to just sit around looking cute!
I bought that yellow Dalia off the side of the road the other day on a whim. It was expensive compared to the plants I have bought in the past... even more expensive if that dumb thing ends up dying. I like green plants usually, no flowers, but this door needed all the help it could get. I hope it adjusts to this pot. It has had lots of new buds on it.
In the bucket is a rock we made one week in Sunday School based on John 8:7. It says grace in Spanish.
 Since I do all of my container gardening out here I decided my tools needed a permanent home. There are plenty of old boards in our yard so I put some nails in one and attached a can that I spray painted pink to hold my clippers and spray nozzle. Jimmy was sweet and hung the hose bucket for me! 
 I remember learning to garden with my Grandmother W. One of those spades is one that she gave to me. 
 The curtains in our living room at our old house were made out of burlap. The fabric was sun damaged on one side, so I was planning on just throwing them out. 
Jimmy brought them to our new house by accident, so I decided to go ahead and cut them up to make a wreath. It was the perfect amount of fabric and you can't see the icky side. It turned out to be a happy accident.
The flowers are attached with velcro, so I can change them out for holidays. I'm kind of over making separate wreaths for each season since the rats kept eating all of them. (Not while they were hanging on the door, while they were in storage.) Thank you to my Mom for bringing me a really nice and sturdy wreath form! One day I am going to weld a black hook to the door and get rid of that silver one.

Jimmy bought me this hook and planter when he was in Xela from a metal shop close to our first home in Guatemala. It was a beautiful gift! Eden helped me pick out the pink flowers!
I saw that Jimmy had dug up some Elephant Ears on Becca's land and was feeding them to the pigs. Well I went over there and grabbed them. Did you know that we have 2 pigs? That was not my idea! They have names and everything. Anyway I planted the Elephant Ears in the ground right where the driveway ends. (So, Becca, I owe you some Elephant Ears... or I guess Jimmy does.) Those things will be taller than me soon!

Here is our happy door!
I hope to post another picture in a month or two once everything takes to it's new spot. So other than the Dalia, it was a pretty inexpensive spruce up! 

I made Eden a tutu before she was born. I got it out the other day. She is in love with it. She also likes to wear her brothers' construction hats! 


  1. That pic of Eden is the cutest photo EVER!

    Your place looks great! It's really shaping up.

  2. That's really pretty. This might be an ignorant question but would someone steal the items outside? I know when we lived in Brazil if things weren't fenced in or super secure they would be gone.

    1. Yes, they would. We built a concrete wall around our yard because of that. You can kind of see it in the photo of the hanging plant. It makes us feel much more secure (especially with our boys playing in the yard) than in the houses we have rented in the past.
