
Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Sweet Time of Study

These past 3 days Jimmy and a wonderful friend and blessing to our ministry, Pastor Bob Petzel, have been teaching 2 class modules in Sayaxche. Pastor Bob has been teaching I and II Samuel and Jimmy has been teaching the Life of Christ. These classes are for current pastors who wouldn't be able to leave their works and come study at the institute. 
Pastor Bob is a gifted teacher. Jimmy always appreciates his style. We believe it to be very practical for these men and their churches. Everything is presented in Spanish and in Kekchi.

Jimmy also got to meet with some of the men who are enrolled in the pastors institute (KBI) which will be starting January 7th. 3 of the guys in the photo below will be students there. 
You can see the books on the desk in the photo above that the pastors receive when they attend the modules. All the information is bound so that they can take it back with them. 

Jimmy and Pastor Bob come back each day talking about the great questions the guys have and the feedback they have been getting from them. There were some things that I think the Devil was intending to use to destroy, (Anytime we do any type of project with the Kekchi people their is obvious spiritual warfare going on.) but God used it for good! I am so thankful to be on His side! Please pray that God will continue to bless this time and that He will use it to bless these pastors' churches. They traveled a great distance to become better equipped for the job God has given them. Their hearts are always an encouragement to us. 

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