
Monday, November 4, 2013

A Little Basketball and a Big Trophy

We are still fixing things up in our new church building. We have had a team come and go and I have so much to share about the institute as well. For now here's a quick post of the basketball tournament Jimmy was in a couple of weeks ago. 
He was on the San Pancho team! We have been trying to get into a schedule that would let him play once a week but he doesn't even play even close to that much, but one day we will be settled... in our new church building... in the institute... and in our new house, haha! When he got home today Jimmy worked on one of our vehicles and sealed one of the wood posts on our front porch, that's what he usually does in the evenings!
{Watching Daddy score 2 points!}
Jimmy really enjoyed playing in the tournament. The team from San Pancho is really clean cut. They have great attitudes and no potty mouths. (I really like our town!)
They got a huge trophy too! Please pray as we continue to get settled in our new town and form relationships with those here! 

I found this photo on my phone later that Eden took during the game. I thought it was cute... Eden and Mommy!

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