
Monday, December 16, 2013

A $90 Flying Lesson

Last night after church we had finished cleaning everything up and had stopped to chat just a little more before loading up the kids in the truck. Jimmy and I were in the sanctuary and Jonah and Silas were in the kitchen (attached to the sanctuary) playing with some other children. A couple weeks ago in one of the mens' meetings Jimmy had encouraged the dads to be more intentional in teaching their children about God and pastoring their families. One way was that they were supposed to start memorizing scripture together. He had passed out little booklets he had made of Psalm 23 and had encouraged them to read it every night together as a family and they would have it memorized in a week or two. Well, one of the 3 year old girls in our church was reciting Psalm 23 to me when I heard Silas start crying in the other room. I turned around for a second and saw that he had fallen, but he had gotten up and I figure he would walk it off. (I know that sounds horrible, but I didn't want to interrupt the little girl and Silas is my kid who is kind of like the "boy who cried wolf" when it comes to weeping over booboos.)

Well when she finished Silas' cries started getting worse and I got up to go check on him. Really only seconds had passed, but there was blood squirting everywhere!!!! SO much blood. There were puddles on the floor.  He was grabbing his chin. First I checked his mouth and thankfully there was no blood inside. Then I saw the gaping hole on his chin, still squirting blood. I ran to the car to get a wet wipe to put pressure on it. It soon stopped. Poor Silas was in a lot of pain. He said, "Mama I tried to fly, why didn't you catch me?" Man! Killing me! 

Jimmy had been talking too and like me initially didn't think it was anything serious until Jonah ran and told him that his brother had jumped off of a chair and hurt himself. 

We quickly loaded up the car and headed to Santa Elena (20 min away). We knew his chin needed stitches because the skin was split so far apart. I let him ride in my lap (here it's legal, but my kids usually use car seats...  I was experiencing some mom guilt though). 
{Silas' face says it all}
He had stopped crying and was pretty calm. We tried to prepare him with what was about to happen. We told him he would get a shot to numb his chin so that a doctor could sew it up. We tried to make it sound super cool but told him it would hurt. 

Silas told us more of the story too. He said that there was a little girl jumping off the tables in the kitchen. He said that she was teaching him how to jump. Then without hitting on this lesson too hard the boys and I had a talk about how just because someone else is doing something we need to make the decision for ourselves if doing what they are doing is smart or stupid... because sometimes doing something stupid can hurt really bad! 

If you would have asked me a year ago who would get stitches first I would have put my money on Jonah, but he has mostly grown out of his clumsy stage and usually makes pretty good decisions when it comes to weighing the risks. Silas, my very social child, on the other hand can be led astray very easily... we need to work on that! 

Jimmy was calling our pediatrician on the way there, but he wasn't in Petén, so he called the surgeon that removed Jimmy stitches after his Gallbladder surgery. He kindly said that he would meet us at a clinic in Santa Elena. It was 9pm by this time. It just so happened to be the same clinic where I got to see Jonah and Silas' heartbeats for the first time... nastalgic! 
Silas was worried about his "birthday shirt". Jonah and Silas call these shirts that because they wore them for the first time at their birthday party. (Mommy later got all the blood out, so he's happy.)
Jonah noticed that Silas's blood had pooled in the shape of an "A". He thought that was super cool. Then we all decided that Silas was like Captain America, who also got a shot and that made him a superhero. 
Jonah and Eden were playing with our phones while we were waiting.  Jonah happen to see this photo below that I had taken and said, "Look at Silas eyes!!! He has powers!!!!"
 Jimmy and Silas are so cute together! I loved listening to Dada's pep talk. It worked!
Poor Silas. I thought he was only going to get one shot. When it was all said and done he ended up getting 5... right in his wound. I couldn't take photos of it because his weeping was so sad. His daddy had told him before it started that it was very important that he didn't move his head... and that little 4 year old, through all that pain, never moved once! I was so proud of him. I know it hurt, you could tell by the type of crying, but he was so sweet! He never ask the doctor to stop or wiggled or anything. He held both of his daddy's hands the whole time and stayed strong. 
They put the cloth over his face when they started the stitches. Silas kept talking to us and we tried to think of anything silly to talk about to keep him from dwelling on the pain. The numbing shots didn't work very well. Every now and then Silas would stop talking and whimper in pain. I don't think there was any anesthesia for the last two stitches. He is like his mama. Numbing shots never work on me either. My mouth goes numb about an hour after I leave the dentist... epidurals are worthless. Anyway I felt like a liar, we had told him the stitches part wouldn't hurt. 
For the last two stitches Jonah stopped playing with my phone and covered his ears. He couldn't listen to his brother being in pain. 
It took 6 stitches to close it up. 
I am so thankful for this very kind doctor who came in late to help us! He was so nice and great with Silas. Here is Silas showing off his big boo boo:
 We all decided that the best medicine for such a boo boo was ice-cream! So that's where we headed next! It was a traumatic even for all of us, so it helped to cheer us up!
In 6 days he has to go back to get the stitches taken out. We have already warned him that it is going to hurt. Please pray for Silas to have just as much courage the second time!
I am SO grateful to God for keeping Silas safe and providing such a good doctor. I'm thankful that other than his chin and a bruised knee, my child did a face plant on concrete and didn't have any other damage. He might even end up with a pretty cool scar with a great story to go with it. 

So that's Silas' $90 flying lesson. Lesson learned: he can't fly. 

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