
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Caroling on Christmas Eve

A few years ago we went caroling on Christmas Eve with the people from our Bible study in SR. It was so much fun and a big hit with the members. It just so happened to be the Christmas my parents were here, so it was really neat when we found out they were coming this year too;.! 
{The first ones to arrive!}
Since we are in San Pancho now I wasn't sure how the turnout would be because Christmas Eve is a bigger deal here than Christmas Day. Our church isn't within walking distance for most of our people anymore, so I was little concerned. Jimmy was confident the whole time (like always) and told me not to worry. Well he was right! We had a super turnout. And like before, everyone loved it!
Everyone helped carry the cookies we had wrapped to give away. 
 Each one had an invitation attached and then each person got a turn giving it to a family who came to the door.  
We had about 40 of them and we used them all just in the couple blocks around our church building.
 We all had candles, even the kids... yikes! There were some close calls (like my guitar strap almost catching on fire, haha) but it looked beautiful!
We had been practicing several Christmas songs for the last couple of weeks. We all had cheat sheets though, even me!
 It was extra special to me that my dad got to play his clarinet with us. 
It started sprinkling right after we started, but then it stopped. That is a big blessing! It was already pretty swampy and slippery. 
 Each family came out with a smile! They all were really friendly. 
 Jimmy would greet them and say that we were from San Pancho Baptist Church, someone would hand them a gift and we would all start singing!
 Some of our people were kind of timid singing, but they all liked being identified together. I think it created even more unity!
 One of the houses was next door to the bar they owned. The music from the bar was blaring. When they answered the door to their house, they ran next door to turn off the music so that everyone could here our church singing. I though that was really sweet!
 The people really couldn't have been any nicer!
 Afterwards Jimmy had saved some of the unwrapped cookies for us to have a little party together in our fellowship hall. He had made ponche too! 
 My mom had pushed Eden around in the stroller the whole time. I was very grateful! Some of the roads were a mess. I was thankful that E was a sweetheart all night too!
I think it was a wonderful evening and I pray that the families around our church building will come visit us one day soon! I think this was a perfect way to introduce ourselves! (¡¡¡Gracias a Norma por tomar todas las fotos para mí!!!)

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