
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Brave 4!

Classes at the institute started a month ago. 
{Putting the course books together}
 There are 4 students that live at the farm and 1 commuter. This is the perfect number for this first group. God knew! The 4 that live on campus are all single. Here were their welcome buckets!
They were just what we were praying for as far as their calling, passion, work ethic, and eagerness to be prepared for ministry! Jimmy, Juan and the guys have formed a good strong bond with them I think. Jimmy is teaching 3 classes a week and Juan is teaching 1. Each class is 3 hours. Here was Jimmy leaving the first morning. I was so excited! I got him a new satchel since his backpack was stolen. He was ready for his first day of school… the most exciting first day of school yet! We were both giddy that morning.
Here are some photos of the inaugural service, Jan 7th. It was SO abnormally cold that morning!
Several of the guys from the board of directors traveled to be there as well as a representative from the Kekchi Baptist Pastor's Association. 
Everyone spoke and gave a challenge to the students. I saw several creases on the dress shirts, you know the kind that are on them when they come folded brand new. I think they were super excited about their first day of school too! 

Each student said a few words. 
{Student RX}
Student RX grew up in church and had taken most of the basic classes available to him in Sayaxche in order to prepare for the ministry. He played the keyboard in his church and helped with the youth. He is 24. He is very articulate, prepared, and confident.
{Student RI}
RI is a new Christian. He has been a believer since October! He is a fireball. He got baptized Monday morning and was on a bus monday afternoon to come to the institute! His sincerity in his worship of God is an encouragement to me. He is a mason and quit his job to come. He came from the most rural village. He is 21.
{Student H}
H is another church kid. He played the drums in his church and also helped with the youth. He is the youngest at 18 and has the highest grade so far in every class after a month! 
{Student P}
Student P is the most shy one. He is the most uncomfortable with his Spanish when he really doesn't need to be. He also worked with the youth in his church. He is the oldest at 26. In their first class presentations, he was the best at making a practical application. 

Afterwards we all prayed for them.
 Yoli, is the institute cook. Love her! She is a very hard worker. Please pray for her. I keep asking her how she is doing, I don't want her to feel overwhelmed. See this wonderful caldo she made for everyone!
{Yoli and all her hard work}
 Yoli even made us flour tortillas! Those were so good. I would eat them every day… if someone would make them for me! (I'm really slow at making tortillas.)
Please pray for these 5 guys: H, RX, P, RI, & A! (A is the commuter. He is an older man from our church. He has pastored in the past and has a heart for church planting.) It ended up being the perfect number because of all the initial costs and time to get their housing and agricultural projects set up and to teach them how to do them. There are several more men who want to start next semester in March. These will always be the brave 4 though!!! 
{Their student ID cards}

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