
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Busy Season

So this has been a pretty busy season in our life, somewhere right behind the first couple months with preemie twins. 
 We celebrated several milestones this month, like 10 years of marriage and 8 years in Guatemala. We had lots of visitors and our church and youth group is growing, along with projects at the institute! The best news though is those two precious twins put their faith in Jesus this month! (Post coming soon.)
 We made new missionary friends this past month or so too. It is really great for missionary kids to get to be around other missionary kids once in a while!  
{Celebrating July 4th}
 We also had interns with us for 3 weeks, 
followed by an awesome youth team... the next day, haha! 
Then after that team flew out we had a sweet family fly in that will be staying with us for about a week and a half. 
{Working on hymnals}
We are really blessed to have so many people wanting to make an investment into the work here in Guatemala!
So there are lost of stories and victories to share. And since my power just came back on, also lots of laundry to do! 

There have been some sad moments too. We said goodbye to my beautiful Labrador, Fijese, who has been with us since we got here. An irreplaceable, gift from God. Jimmy already picked us out another puppy, guard dog in the making... I think he was sad too. I really want to dislike her, but she's ok, no Fije, but ok.
{Skyping with Kiki and Papa right after she was delivered.}
Another milestone - 
Our garage door that has been broken for the past 14 months finally got fixed! I can't open it myself when the opener is broken, so it is a big deal for me and the kiddos getting around. Jimmy called the welder several times a week for the last year... that's just how things work somtimes. He is a really good welder!

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