
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Another Trip to the River

A couple of Sundays ago our church had another baptismal service. This time we all loaded up and went to a small river close to San Pancho, in an town called Nuevo San Francisco.
 It was a rainy, cold for Petén day. We had a great turnout though!
 Here are the people who have recently put their faith in Christ in our church! There were more, but these were the ones who wanted to publicly tell others they are Christians now! This is a big step.
 First there was C. He has been in our ministry since he was 8 and now he is a teenager. He put his faith in Christ after church one night... it was about time! He knows so much about the Bible by now. I was so happy!
 Then there was H. He started coming this year from the village next to the institute. He came up before youth group one night and said that he want to accept Christ. 
{H, the night he accepted Christ!}
Another friend was with him named, C and he accepted Christ too. His friend's parents wouldn't allow him to be baptized just yet. Pray!
When we went to H's house to talk to him about being baptized, his sister, A, accepted Christ! 
Her mom did not want her to be baptized yet. I'm not sure why, but maybe next time. A and H are active in our youth group. We went to H's birthday party 2 weeks ago. He has a great family. His mom attends church faithfully. Please pray that his father will start coming too!
This next family got baptized all together!
The dad's testimony was that he was the town drunk. Not anymore! He definitely has a new life now. Please pray for him and his family. The dad faithfully attends our discipleship class too.
When we went to their house for Jimmy to go over baptism with them, we saw that their house had fallen during a storm.
{The Bush family was with us!}
God clearly protected them. All 7 of them were inside the house when it fell. With all the wood beams that could have hit and killed someone, no one was hurt! I am so thankful.
 Men from the town got together and helped lift the roof back on better wood beams that the dad bought and prepared.
 The boys in this family are really close to my boys, so that is what made this baptism a little more personal for Jonah and Silas. 

The next girl, M, comes on her own to our youth group. She put her faith in Christ one night after a service where the youth team shared their testimonies. I wasn't sure she would get baptized since she was alone, but when Jimmy asked if there was anyone else who wanted to be baptized, she jetted up to the front. I was shocked, just because she is so shy, but wow, so thankful for her very real faith!
 Then, the mason who has been working at the institute has been coming to our services with the students. He decided that he wanted to be baptized too. He was already a Christian, but never has had the opportunity to be baptized! We were excited for him too!
 We all stood on the banks and sang as each one stood to identify themselves with Christ!
Afterwards we went to the church and had tacos to celebrate!
 Here is a picture of some of the Bush family. I haven't hardly any photos of them. But they were here and we enjoyed them! They helped pass out the tacos. V is in the pink helping. She is one who always helps. You know every church is the same, there are the few who always help! Her brother is in the plaid shirt above helping too. She needs to gets saved, pray! Her brother needs to get baptized.
 Jonah with his best buddy!
 We had a really special day! Please pray as God continues to work in the hearts of all of us here at San Pancho Baptist Church!

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