
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

And the Second Year Begins

Soon after Christmas we went to P's wedding. He is one of the first year students. I shared the story about him and his fiancee here,when he asked Jimmy to go and be a witness at his legal wedding. 

For Christians in Guatemala you have a legal wedding and then you usually have one in the church too. I could do a whole separate post about how much money culturally they are expected to spend and how difficult that makes it on many of these couples, so I will save my opinion for another time. 
P saved up for over a year for this church wedding. It was beautiful. He fed nearly everyone in the village a huge meal... even the gringitos that show up.
 We love his wife. He did good... real good. God blessed him with just what he needed! 
P's village was on the side of a mountain. I felt like we were repelling wherever we went but with no ropes. I kept thinking, why would anyone stay in a village that was this hard to get around in and then I remembered that some people in the States choose to live places where it snows, haha! Not everyone in the world gets to live in Florida!
N, his wife, has settled into the farm very well. She is a very diligent student and usually has the highest scores in the first year students classes. 
 We had two men come for this new semester in January, well 3 actually, but one was pretty young and so nervous about being away from home that he went home the next day. I tell you, it is hard to move several hours away from somewhere you have lived your whole life and trust a foreigner that you don't know that you won't starve. These guys in the photo below have a pioneering spirit and are trusting the God who called them. We have several more students arriving in March.

The other 2 men are doing great! One is a single student and the other is married with a son. His wife attends the classes too. 
I will share more of their stories later, but we are so thankful for these guys and their wives! They really seem to have a heart for serving God and a passion to reach more villages in Petén with the Gospel. Please pray for them! If you do not know the purpose of the pastor's institute you can find more about it here.

Like last year's new students they are all a little shy. We are enjoying getting to know them! We are a month and a half into it now and everyone has settled in nice.  Here are some photos from our inauguration dinner and also a cookout we had at our house to kick off the new school year:
{I love how Jonah has his turtle shell on!}

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