
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blessings Flowing at 30 Gallons Per Minute!

Just a couple weeks ago we were at a real low point in our ministry. We had a need for water at the pastor's institute/farm property and had no idea how this need would be met without God working a miracle. You can read of our water troubles here. This is just another beautiful story written by God that brings Him glory and gives us a little glimpse of who He is (Job 42:5). Experiences like these make us feel extra loved on by God and even more compelled to share His truth with others. 
We sent out our prayer letter for February asking people to pray for our water situation. Less than 24 hours later a Mennonite friend of ours called and said that on his way back from the capital he saw what he thought to be a well drilling rig (pictured above). 

He gave Jimmy the km marker number. It was about a 2 hour drive from our house. Jimmy left as soon as classes were over that week and headed off in search for this rig. He had no idea if they would still be there, but he left hoping this might be God's answer to our prayers. 

It was a horrible trip. Jimmy had a flat tire. Not knowing that the emergency brake wasn't working, the trucked rolled while Jimmy was under it, almost getting him. There was definitely a guardian angel involved! 

Well, when he arrived the rig was still there and Jimmy found some volunteer well drillers from the States working it. They were with an Adventist ministry called Water for Life. A couple days later, the man who heads up this ministry came to our house in San Pancho. Jimmy gave him a tour of the farm and explained the purpose of the institute and our water situation. He was so kind and encouraging. He told Jimmy that he believed that they would be able to dig our well. They work in seasons and would be able to fit us in the schedule maybe next January or February. 

This was the most promising option we had found. We had already been waiting over a year for the other, more expensive private company, with no hope of them coming anytime soon. We were really thankful for a January/February commitment. 

Then a new mayor was elected in the village next door to the institute (where the well we were using is located) and the threats of them turning our water back off returned. There are currently 3 families that live on the farm, plus 5 single guys, plus all the crops and animals. Jimmy made the commitment to provide water for them all before they moved here. These constant threats that had been actually realized before are very burdensome to live with on a daily basis.
Soon after the new mayor was elected, Jimmy got a call from Water for Life. They had a couple with a few days left in the country who wanted to come and get started on our well and asked us if that was ok... Well sure! 
{The sludge that came out}
It was a super nice Christian couple from the state of Washington name Jon and Chris Hansen who own their own well drilling company, along with Jon's brother. Can you imagine showing up in Petén from Washington?! That is a climate shock. Jon worked on the rig all alone every day, all day long in crazy heat with no shade, in the dry season for 8 days. He had a little help the last 2 days, but Jon was the only skilled laborer.
They stayed in our guest room during that time. I kept saying we couldn't have nicer strangers come and stay with us for a week. They aren't strangers anymore!
The kids loved it too! Ms Chris was so great with Jonah, Silas, and Eden. They loved all the artsy stuff she had them get into. And, I'm pretty sure Silas met his story telling match! I really enjoyed my time with Chris too. I hope they come through our town every year on the way to villages!
We figured they were just going to get started good before they had to leave, but on the last possible day for Jon to have enough time to hook up a pump, he was at 115 feet, with 12 feet of water in the hole. Jon was very cautious because sometimes there is water but it doesn't replenish itself. He measured and timed the water. For 45 minutes he took out 13 gallons a minute and couldn't get the water level to go down. 

Jon and Chris have been coming to Guatemala for 6 years. They had been here this time since the beginning of March, working hard the whole time. They had 2 days planned at the end of their trip,  at a bed and breakfast just as a little rest before flying back to work in the States. Well, they gave up those days to help us.  

Usually when a pump gets hooked up to a well the first time they use a generator and then hook up electricity later. Well on the way to the hardware store the last morning Jimmy ran into the electrician who installed our transformer. (Jimmy had tried to call him, but his number had changed.) The electrician said that his client for the day canceled and he had the entire day free. So, while Jon was hooking up the pump the electrician ran the wires underground for the 220 to run the pump. Are you seeing that this is God's well?!

Here is the pump all wired up, the first time it's turned on:
 That is 30 gallons a minute! It's crazy! Only God could bring all of this together and provide this for the farm!
 The students were super happy! There is water every day now, with a lot more pressure, and no threats of it being taken away. It's pure water too!
 One of our second year students was laughing remembering last year when there was no water and they had to bathe in the ditch!
 Cute little Nacho got a bath first thing!
 So basically a Mennonite friend saw an Adventist ministry who ended up sending a Non-denominational couple to drill a well for some Baptists. Do what you want with that, I think it's real interesting. Many times that's how missions works!
 We love these guys! They are a beautiful testimony of God using people who follow Him!
I hope God blesses their socks off!

We want to thank Metro Baptist Church in Goodlettsville, TN who paid for the well (almost 2 years before it was drilled!), and Pastor Andy Schalchlin and his family in AR and Fellowship Baptist Church in Thonotosassa, FL for paying for the pump and the reservoir. I'd say this was a team effort!

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