
Saturday, September 12, 2015

2 Weeks of Memories

MaG and G (Jimmy's parents) wanted to see their grandchildren, so they bought us all tickets to fly to KS for 2 weeks. We have the best families! I am so thankful for this gift of time with them! 

 It was the end of the semester, so we skipped out of the last 3 days of finals week. I already shared about our wonderful drive to the capital, haha! Well we ended up with less than 3 hours of sleep before arriving at the airport at 4 in the morning. Jimmy had this great idea that if we flew early, it was like we got another whole day with MaG and G. We ended up having really nice flights and our kiddos were sweethearts. Just sheer eagerness to see MaG and G got them through that day!
{Waiting for our luggage}

The kiddos have 5 aunts and uncles that they got to spend time with! They ended up getting pretty spoiled. 
Seriously, we are so blessed to have the family we do!
{Aunt Robin & Jill}
{Reading with Aunt Jill}
{5Guys with Uncle Jon}
{There was lots of Lego building!}
{And water activities}
 Their Aunts and Uncles spent so much quality time with them. Jonah, Silas, and Eden feel very connected to them. They are constantly telling me stories they remember and wanting to skype with them! They're the best extended family a missionary kid could ask for!
{Silas & Uncle Jojo}
Now they even have a cousin!

Sweet Lennon! I think she and Eden will grow up to be great friends!
They had lots of fun experiences!
{Eden's first pedicure!}
{Fishing with MaG & Uncle Joe!}
MaG took them all to the cowboy store. Jonah and Silas wear their boots everywhere!!!
{Put put for the first time}
{Go Carts for the first time!}
On one of our last days we all went to the zoo together. 
{Uncle Jon, Aunt Robin, & Eden}
They got to spend time with their great grandparents too. 
{Eden playing games with Great Grandpa Jim}
{Great Grandma Helen, Great Grandpa Jim and Uncle Jojo}
{Spending time with Great Grandpa Tractor!}

Silas' favorite memory were mornings on the deck with MaG and G. He's our little early riser.  
{Saying goodbye at the airport}
 Thank you MaG and G for all of the wonderful memories we got to make with you guys! We all are very close, even though we're far away.

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