
Monday, January 4, 2016

The Fastest Year Yet

I cannot believe Jonah and Silas are 6! It really seems like just a month ago it was the day after their 5th birthday and they were telling everyone they were still 5. I don't know if they thought that once they fell asleep that they might lose a year. 
Finally in the same crib in the NICU, always been the best of friends
This year, early in the morning of their 6th birthday they came running into our room to jump on the scale. They wanted to know how much they grew... overnight! Their birthday fell on a Friday, which was perfect for a party. It's fun to celebrate on your actual day. I was really sick still at that point, so while I was preparing for this "little" party was the first time I took nausea medicine. I'm so thankful I did! 
My little Taste Tester
The boys love picking out their cakes and theme. I really thought we would end up with a Star Wars theme this year, but their love of Avengers is pretty strong still. Plus, this was 2 months before the new Star Wars movie came out. Their Avengers Party from their 4th birthday was pretty epic in their minds, so they wanted to experience it again! Cuties! I love this age when they are still grateful and easy to please. 
Jonah went with Captain America!
Silas chose a Thor Hammer. 
They were supposed to look kind of sunken, like the Super Hero had just thrown them on the ground... I don't really know what I'm doing, but the boys were thrilled, so win-win!
 They got to open their present from us, in the morning. They had asked for Iron Man hands. We shop for birthdays and Christmas months in advance when either we are in the States or someone is coming from the States, since American toys are more expensive here and really only available in the Capital at like a 40% mark up! I was glad they still wanted these by the time their birthday rolled around!
Then we Facetimed with G to show him our cool Iron Man Hands! 
 I had saved all the printables from the last Avenger Party, so it made it super easy. The boys wanted everything exactly the same!
 We are so thankful for sweet friends that live pretty close by right now!
We ate, played games, had cake, and MaG and G got a horse for the boys for their birthday, so we had horse rides in the back yard. 
 The boys named the horse Possum from the Everything is Awesome Song. Possum lives at the farm and once it gets a little older will be really helpful there. He is so tame and sweet with the kiddos. They go to the farm and ride him a lot. 
There are some serious works of art as far as piñatas go in the Capital, I think the weird ones get shipped to Petén. This one looked like Iron Man and Princess Leia had a baby... Iron Man child with weird buns on the side of his head. I tried to not make fun of it in front of the boys, it was hard.
My boys are so blessed with the sweet Christian friends around them at this point in their life. I'm still trying to trust that God will continue to provide that for them, from whichever country. 
After the party we Facetimed with MaG... and showed her our cool Iron Man Hands!
It just so happened that this was their first night in their new room. We have all the floors poured and all the windows in our house done now. They had been sleeping with Eden in Jimmy's office the last 2 years. This was a pretty exciting day! The 2 kids' bedrooms are off of the school room. 

I love these boys SO much! They are beautiful human beings on the inside because of their relationships with Jesus Christ. They are growing in their faith and Biblical view of the world every day. I love to hear the profound things they say! 
Jonah is on the left, Silas is on the right
 They are best friends. Silas is our little peace maker, always putting his brother first. He is a crazy story teller. He is very creative on a large scale, doesn't like to waste time on the little things if he doesn't think they are practical, like coloring a worksheet. If he needs props to tell a story though, he is going to go all out! We call him an elephant because he never forgets anything, even if you don't think he is paying attention. Jonah is our tender-hearted little artist. Jonah will take forever on something to get it just right. Except for his supper, he eats faster than anyone else and usually more too. He is quick to pick up on other people's feelings and try to comfort them. He always has a song he is singing and is obsessed with football and the Packers, especially Jordy Nelson.
We finished off the day Facetiming with Kiki and Papa! They are night owls like us! 

Here is our traditional birthday interview, poor Jonah is more asleep than awake at this point:

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