
Monday, January 15, 2018

We'll Find Out When We Get There...

That's what Gerson told his friend Alfonso on their long trip to the institute to come study last year. Alfonso wanted to know exactly what they would be studying. Gerson's dad, who is a pastor, wanted him to come so Gerson invited Alfonso to come too. That's how he ended up here. 

Night church services are tough because people have to walk so far and thieves break into their houses if they know they left for church, but we really wanted our church family (Iglesia Bautista Ak' Yuam) to have fellowship with each other during the week, something besides just Sunday morning. We have a youth service on Wednesday but we wanted something family oriented. So, this past Thursday was the first house church services. We had 5 families volunteer to host in the 2 villages next to the farm. 5 second year students will rotate to a different house each Thursday to facilitate a service.

Friday during class I asked the students how it went as I knew they had put a lot of work into it. They immediately lit up! (As soon as new "first year" students arrive the now "second year" students gain much more confidence and get a whole lot more talkative, haha!) Alfonso started sharing about his house church experience. One of the men who attended his service had not ever been to our church. He put his faith in Christ that night. The man said, "I have never heard this message before!" 
This is exactly a year after Alfonso himself put his faith in Christ during his first week of classes at the institute. He was right where God wanted him to be! He finished his first year with the highest grades overall. He has also killed more snakes on the property than any other student! (if you don't count the 15 baby pit vipers Gerson killed in one day...)
 I wish you both spoke the same language and he could tell you himself because this is his story and he was super excited! This is the whole purpose of the institute. I am so grateful to God for bringing Alfonso to the institute to hear and then for putting in him the desire to tell others!