
Sunday, April 15, 2018

New Life and Waiting in Line

It seems like so much time passed before this line formed. God has blessed this church! I was so thankful to wait in line for the Lord's Supper on Good Friday! I remember when it is was basically our family and the first 4 students who came to the institute. I remember before that working in villages where we weren't allowed to have baptismal services or form a church and I wondered if we were just wasting time. Now there is a big family of believers, who share their faith!
 This was the baptismal service the week before Easter. 
The girls on the right told their cousin in teal that she needed to put her faith in Jesus too. This is the second time I have seen a baptismal service where new believers get baptized along with other new believers they have already brought to Jesus!
There are a couple churches sprinkled around the villages next to the farm. In order for someone to "become a Christian" and join their church they have to pay over $1,700. That is the newest trend around here. The man in the photo above said, "I know your church is going to be more expensive than that, but it is worth it to me." Thank God, the Gospel is free and Jimmy, Elias, and Gerson got to tell him that! 
 There are so many people searching. I feel like this is a very important time for Iglesia Bautista Ak' Yuam. We are moving into our new building soon. We carried chairs over there to use it for the Good Friday and Easter services even though it doesn't have permanent lights or bars on the windows yet. It is in on the very corner of the farm property, closest to the villages, which makes it seem more theirs than the institute. Please pray that people who are so close to taking that step of faith will and for the members to continue sharing their faith! We want to keep growing.
The Good Friday foot washing service is always a favorite among the members. It builds community. It's not hard to wash someone else's feet, but it is very humbling to have someone wash your own.
The Art of Teaching class students built the tomb!
All the ladies at the farm got up before sunrise to start cooking breakfast for the church on Easter morning. We made beans, rice, eggs, salsa and tortillas.
Once the sun rose, more ladies from the villages came to help too.
 It was a beautiful service!
 So this is a moment in time I want to remember. What the devil whispers is a lie. Nothing for God is ever in vain. God can take what we might feel is wasted or not even close to enough and build something living... something that continually reproduces itself! That is the miracle we were celebrating on Easter - the miracle of new life, that's free and that only Jesus can give!

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