

Graduates and Their Church Plants

Pedro and Natividad

Pedro and Nati, along with their daughter Shelita, have been serving in the village of Fracaso since August 2017. It is a mission, which means it is not a self supporting church yet. Fracaso is in NW Petén, close to the border of Mexico. They are a 8 hour motorcycle ride from cell phone reception. Pedro reported that he is very happy this is where God has them for now because so many families who have come to put their faith in Christ, would not have heard otherwise. 5 families have become Christians in the first 6 months of 2018.

Rigo and Juana
  Rigo and Juana are serving in the village of Agua Negra in southern Petén. This new mission asked Rigo and Juana to come be their pastor in June 2018. This work is connected to several other missions and a mother church that is looking to Rigo and Juana for guidance and help with setting up discipleship and SS curriculum. We hope Rigo will serve as a point man to plug in future graduates in the other villages without a church in this area.

Elias and Eulalia

Juan Elias and Eulalia accepted the position of pastor of students at the Institute in January 2018. They are our teammates in this task that God has given us. They live on the property and shepherd the students. Elias is also in charge of all of the farm projects that we hope will eventually make the institute completely self-supporting. They have 3 children: Nidia, Ariel, and a baby girl due in July.