
Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Celebration

We have not been able to publish to our website in 2 days. Jimmy was able to fix it this morning, so that is a praise! We want people to be able to read about about what is going on so that they will remember to pray for us.
Yesterday morning we went to a different church that is being pastored temporarily by a national that is in his first year at the seminary. His name is Nery and he and his wife are praying about what God has for them after he graduates. Of course, Jimmy mentioned to him about maybe going with us to the Peten! He seemed very interested, but just pray that God directs both of our paths.
They have a van ministry that picks up kids in the neighborhood. They sang so well!
Yesterday evening, we went to a church pastored by a national names Rolando. It was his 50 birthday, so he asked Larry to preach this special service.
Afterwards we all sang Happy Birthday, (They know that song here because of Sesame Street.) Claire said that the way they pronounce “happy birthday” sounds like they are singing “green frog.”
Rolando’s wife cooked everyone dinner; it was delicious!
They brought out a large piece of bread that read “50 years.” This was such a happy church and they love their pastor. We really enjoyed being a part of the celebration.
This little girl sang a song about David & Goliath for everyone! She has a jacket on, but it is underneath her dress. Guatemalans do not like to cover up there pretty dresses with a jacket or a sweater, so lots of times they will wear it underneath. I thought that was cute!

Please pray for our survey trip to the Petén. We leave today to drive to Guatemala City. We will fly from there on a small plane to Flores. We will have 3 days in the Petén. We should get back to Quetzal on Friday. Please pray for our safety and that God will begin showing us his will for our future ministry!

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