
Thursday, August 10, 2006

We're Lovin' It!

We saw this sign at McDonald’s and started laughing. It says, “Your world changes; Big Mac doesn’t change.” We are in a different world. The only stores that I have found that are the same as the States are McDonald’s, Burger King, Taco Bell, Blockbuster, Dominos, Payless Shoes, and a Sherwin Williams Paint store. Not all of them are like the ones in the States though. I did find a fabric store down the street from our apartment. Jimmy was a sweetheart and walked me down there today. They have beautiful fabric that is not very expensive.
We had our orientation for language school today. We will start our classes on the 21st. Since we are waiting on our container still, Larry and Claire have been planning a trip to the Peten, next week. We did not expect to be able to take our first survey trip so soon. We are really excited about this opportunity. Larry and Claire have really been supportive of us finding the place God has for us. The Peten is around 14 hours away by truck, so we will fly to Flores from Guatemala City. Please pray that God will begin showing us where He would have us. Please also pray for all of our safety. This trip is why we are here.

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