
Tuesday, August 8, 2006

More Pictures From Church

This is a long one, with stuff that maybe only our mothers would care about! In that case, I am going to list the prayer requests first. Please pray for our container, that we can get it soon and that the taxes are not to expensive. Also, we found out that Toyota was expecting Jimmy’s truck back into the States yesterday... woops! Jimmy has been round and round with Toyota. They are always nice, but we still don’t have the right papers. Please pray that everything will work out. This also effects how much taxes we have to pay on the truck.
These are pictures I forgot to post Sunday. Guatemalans love lace and like to decorate there churches. This is the building before everyone got there. The other is a picture of us being “Back-row Baptist”!

I have been strategically planning how to be able to inconspicuously pad the church pew. I do not want the Guatemalans to refer to me as a “fufurufa” ( to Guatemalan’s this word means a prissy tourists). At first I thought I could sit on my coat, but it is to cold to take it off. So I had the idea to get a thick Bible cover and then take it off during the service and sit on it. Jimmy said that he was going to do the same thing. Claire said that Jimmy would need to get a “really big” Bible cover. Jimmy said, “Thanks a lot!” Claire insists that she meant he had a really big Bible!
We have our orientation for language school on Wednesday. We are very anxious to get started. Claire told me to cary around a pad of paper and just write all the words I learn down. I feel a little overwhelmed, but my notebook is growing! Thanks for praying!

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