
Sunday, August 6, 2006

Starting From Scratch

We still cannot believe we are here. I just keep thinking in my head that it is just a vacation from Deputation! I feel like I need to hurry up to learn and see everything before I have to go home. Thankfully we get to stay! The Boggs, Larry and Claire, are awesome! They are an endless resource. We love them! They are so patient with us.

Saturday we got to go to a wedding that Larry was performing and Jimmy got to be the camera man. It was suppose to start at 2:00, but because of the laid back atmosphere it didn’t start until 3:15. This wedding was very special because it was done to honor God's plan for families.

The Boggs took us grocery shopping at the store (some stuff you get from the store and some from the market). We have a whole lot to learn. Today we went to church in the morning at the Seminary where we will have our language school. It is about a 7 minute drive from our apartment. Tonight the Boggs took us to another seminary graduate’s church in Cantel.

Thank you so much for praying for us. We are so excited about what God has planned. Please pray that God will show us how we can get involved the best at the church we will be attending during language school. Also please pray that God will open up a door for us to get into the Peten next year.

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