
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Back Home

Thank you to everyone who prayed for our trip. We left at 7:00 and were back by 5:15. We would have left earlier, but our bathroom was in the 30’s, so we left the space heater on for awhile. The whole trip was a big praise because we could have had to stay outside of the country for 3 days. Mexico was very different from Guatemala. It had street sign and lines on the road, plus a Sam’s. It had supplies like propane water heaters, propane stoves, and pressure washers. We basically just wanted to see what was available. We bought some groceries that were a lot cheaper there. No one even checked our truck when we drove back into Guatemala... we guess because of our tags, so we missed an opportunity to not have to pay taxes on something big.
{Jimmy in his cool hat paying for our truck fumigation at the border!}

Nery took over our class at Cristo Salva because we really want to visit different churches and see what is effective. We want to learn as much as possible before we start our work in the Petén. Tomorrow we are visiting a church in Las Mojadas with the Boggs and a team that came down. We have a medical missions team scheduled through our mission board to come visit in September for sure and then one possibly in May. Hopefully this will help us be better prepared for them as well. Please pray that we will soak up as much experience as possible these first 9 months!

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