
Friday, January 19, 2007

Mexico It Is

Today we have to leave the country to get our turist visas renewed. We are driving to Tapachula while we are in Mexico. There is a Sams there for sure, but we were hoping that we might find some other stores that we don’t have here too. Please pray that we will be able to get everything done with the visas and return home tonight. Also please pray for our safety... there are really no good maps for anything down here. Thanks!

Jimmy was so excited about his class today. He had 11 students and pastors. He said everything went very well. One pastor came up to him afterwards and said that Jimmy must have prepared a long time for this class. I am very proud of him... he has worked very hard to finish his Spanish school while preparing to teach Greek.

Thank you for praying for Jimmy’s parents, they made it home at 12:30 last night.
While they were here they bought us a crate for Lucha... since she is so good at finding trouble. Fije must have gotten jealous, because today I could not find her, so I called her name and I saw her head poke out of Lucha’s crate.
Lucha saw her and started to get concerned.
After several months we finally put a Guatemalan tag on the back of our truck. Since we are crossing the border we decided we should probably go ahead and put the one on the front too. Mexico might be a little more official... I doubt it.

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