
Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Seminary Down the Road

Jimmy gave his first Greek test on Thursday. Jimmy laughed when he told me that he scared them a little. It was a tough test. Jimmy said that he wanted them to know that they could not just study the night before and pass. I really miss teaching, so I'm a little jealous!

We have learned so much from this seminary here and we are excited about starting one in the Petén. Jimmy wants it to be in Spanish and I want it to be in Kekchi, but that is good because it makes us think everything through. We are always strategizing and planning!

Land right now in the Petén cost 10,000 Quetzales for a cuerda. About 9 cuerdas = 1 acre, so an acre is $12,000. We want to have some type of farm up there so that the students can work for their tuition and support their families while they are in school. There are Kekchi in El Salvador and Belize too.

This is a couple years down the road, so please join us in prayer. We still have to learn Kekchi! I think that we could learn it in a year starting in June, but Jimmy thinks it might take longer. There are no Kekchi language school and we will be learning it in our second language. Please pray that God will line us up with a good tutor.

We created a new Kekchi page on our website with more information about this people group. We are thankful for all the contacts and information that God has sent our way.

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