
Monday, January 29, 2007

So Far So Good

While Jimmy’s parents were here, they helped us seal up our home to keep the dirt and mice out! So far it has worked on the mice! We caulked all the holes and got 2 door sweeps. Now we know what to do first when we move into our home in the Petén!
Jimmy’s parents also found us a beautiful rug. There is no such thing as carpet in this country, so rugs make your house really cozy... I think they bought it mainly for the doggies to sleep on!
Fije and Lucha are finally friends... it took a while, but Lucha was persistent!
{“Say what?! You mean I am not going to grow up into a beautiful Labrador?”}

Quick prayer request. My contact prescription has expired, so we were not able to reorder online to have some sent down with my parents. We have not found the type of contacts here that I use, so we are having a hard time finding a doctor that can give us a prescription for those. Please pray that everything will work out soon. Thanks!

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