
Monday, February 26, 2007

While They Have Been Here

Jimmy was giving a test tuesday that took 4 hours. We went to visit his class. My parents got to see the seminary for the first time.
{You can see Jimmy's class upstairs}
{The new lockers}
We took them to our favorite coffee shop!
We ate dinner with Nery and his family. The lady who took the picture didn’t get Xiomara and Adriana in the photo.
Here we are trying to figure out how to get my blazer out of this lot that we paid to park in.
These are some flowers we bought in the market... they are a little big for our living room!
We got to eat many meals together in our home.
Sunday we went to Las Majadas to Jaime’s church.
My parents really enjoyed being able to see the people’s sincerity and how much they loved God. It was very rural, more like where we will be at in the Petén.
My parents got to hear Jimmy preach for the first time in Spanish.
After church all the kids got in the truck to ride up the mountain with us, just to turn around and walk about 30 minutes back down!
We had fun talking to them on the way down the mountain. We taught them some English words.
We got to eat at my favorite restaurant Tertulliano’s.

We went to our grocery store that we are very thankful for... we will not have one of these in the Petén!
We took a photo in front of the Revlon stand for my aunt who hires my mom and I sometimes to put up new displays and product in the States. My aunt is so sweet she sent me some lip gloss and Bay leaves... they keep bugs out of your dry goods. She knows because my cousin is a missionary in Papua New Guinea.
I found powdered sugar for the first time... I did not know that it is called Glass sugar here. We needed it to make more of the cookies like the ones my mom brought down since we already ate them all.
My mom brought me some stuff to do pedicures with... fun, fun!
Our amazing guard dog, Lucha, was limping really badly on Saturday so Jimmy and my dad took her to the vet. He said her front right leg was sprained and that she needed to rest. We think she hurt it from jumping off the planters in the back yard trying to have sneak attacks on Fije. Please pray that she heals up and won’t have any more problems, especially since she is still growing. Thanks!

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