
Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Last Day With My Parents

We have been having some internet problems. There are several projects that we are working on with different churches in the States and and we are having a hard time communicating with them because of our internet, so please pray that this gets resolved soon. Thanks!

Fixing computer problems.
Eating lunch in Panajachel.
This is where our pizzas were cooked.
The evolution of a power line in Guatemala!
Crossroads Café in Panajachel.
This is a Christian coffee shop.
Mike and my dad talking about coffee roasting.
Eating dinner over Lake Atitlan.
Me and my mom in Pana.
My parents playing the marimba!
Driving to Guatemala City.
The scorpion we found in our hotel room.
Jimmy hunting for the scorpion.
Here is a praise. Linda has been a great blessing to us. She watches our dogs for us while we travel. She has been very trustworthy. Yesterday she asked again when we were going to move to the Petén. I said that I hope by the first of June. She said that I would definitely be able to finish my Spanish by then. Before she was not so optimistic, so this was very encouraging!

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